Short Update.

We arrived last night. I dropped my bags and climbed into bed. I lay in bed wondering how in the world I got here. I am tired and overwhelmed. A lovely friend gave me the Quote:

Don’t dig up in doubt what you have planted in faith.

-Elizabeth Elliot

So that is what I am holding on to. There are a lot of changes and I am currently processing a lot of feelings. I want to be honest here. I am excited to be here, but another part of me is also wondering what I got myself into. So my request of you is that you continue to pray. Pray that I will find my place here. That I would do a good job where I work.That I would fall more in love with Jesus each day.

UPDATE to my update:

I have unpacked and feel a bit better!!

6 thoughts on “Short Update.”

  1. Praying for you! You will always do a good job when you are faithful in following the Lord, no matter how big or how small the task. Hope you get some good rest and tomorrow you wake up renewed and ready for what is in store

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  2. Love the quote Nicole. May God give you peace and bring experiences your way soon that continually confirms that you are right where He called you to be.

    Liked by 1 person

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